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How to be a Successful Campaign Blogger: How to Use TapInfluence

In the first two parts of this How to Be a Successful Campaign Blogger series, we looked at the campaign application process–what works and what doesn’t–and crafting a compelling campaign post that gets you hired again and again.

By now most of you have heard that BlogPaws partnered with TapInfluence to manage our Influencer Marketing Campaigns for the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. In today’s success series installment, we’re going to take a close look at TapInfluence.

What does TapInfluence mean for you, the pet blogger?

BlogPaws will continue to run and manage campaigns, including the call-out and application processes. TapInfluence is the technical platform where the campaigns will run. You will also be able to manage your payments through TapInfluence (they pay via PayPal).

So, let’s get started!

How to Use TapInfluence for BlogPaws campaigns

First, you need a TapInfluence account.

This landing page will lead you through the process. If you already have a TapInfluence account, don’t worry! There’s a box to check that you have an existing account; that’ll get it linked up with the BlogPaws network.

Second, you need to set up your profile.

Allow plenty of time. As you move through the setup, there are a lot of questions, and the platform will link to your blog and all your social accounts. Platforms like Facebook require specific permissions that allow TapInfluence to read your profile. Those permissions are specific to the social platform. TapInfluence will never post to your accounts (in fact, they can’t). Those permissions just allow them to read the links you share as a campaign blogger.

Next, you’ll need a PayPal account.

You do not need it to create your profile, but you do need it to get paid. (And you do want to get paid, right?!) At some point before your first campaign, visit PayPal.com to create a free account. On our end, we’re excited that payment will be streamlined. Bloggers will know exactly how much they’re getting paid and when for every campaign.

Finally, apply for new campaigns–and get all the support you need!

Another awesome facet of TapInfluence is that they provide solid, first-rate tech support. If you have trouble setting up your profile or verifying campaign links or any other technical aspect, they’re there to help–immediately! No more tracking down a campaign manager who’s doing a million other things. All the support you need is right there in the platform.

Intrigued? Excited? Want to learn more?

Chloe DiVita, BlogPaws’ Chief of Everything, held two Periscopes to go through all things TapInfluence. You can view the partnership Periscope here and the TapInfluence FAQs Periscope here.

In addition, TapInfluence is holding an exclusive webinar for BlogPaws influencers. It’s on February 25 at 7 pm Eastern, and it’s going to be LIVE ONLY… no recording, no replay. They’re going to dig into how to use their software. Stay tuned for more details. 

In the meantime, be sure to get your profile set up, and if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments! 

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws blog manager. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com

Image: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock.com

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