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August Blogging Prompts

Post by Blog Manager, Robbi Hess

It’s summertime and the living is easy, am I right? Is the blogging easy in the summer or are you looking for ways to get your blogging done as quickly as possible so you can get out the door and onto outdoor activities?31 Blog Prompts To Keep You Inspired

If you want to get your blogging done and get out of doors, here are 31 August blogging prompts for your perusal (and use!):

  1. Blog about your blogging process. Give insight into how you do what you do. It could inspire a newbie blogger.
  2. Give a behind the scenes look at your daily routine.
  3. Share your “secrets to success.” These could be as simple as: blog consistently to how you scored a paying gig as a blogger.
  4. Host a contest or giveaway on your blog. You don’t need to be involved in a blogging campaign to do this. If you have unopened dog treats, some blogging business books, a collar or leash you purchased, you can offer them on your blog as a giveaway.
  5. Interview an expert on your blog. Choose someone who inspires and motivates you and share why!
  6. Look for a guest blogger.
  7. Write a “what I wish I had known” when I started out post.
  8. Do a round up post of either your favorite blogs from your site or a round up of posts by others that you admire.
  9. Write a “what I’ve done on summer vacation with my pets” post.
  10. Share a travel horror story.
  11. Share a travel story that was ideal and everyone had a great time!
  12. Think of something that you’re an expert in and write a how-to. It could be about blogging, about pet DIYs, about a specific blogging platform, etc.
  13. What is the meaning of your blog name? Is there one? Blog about it.
  14. What would people be surprised to know about you? Blog about that!
  15. Repurpose a blog post into a list post or a video or an info graphic
  16. Tell us a story. “Everything is story” is a quote I have on one of my business cards and I believe it. Take the time to share your story with readers. Let them get to know you.
  17. Write about a trip you’ve taken with your pets from your pets’ point of view!
  18. Write a post that solves a problem that your readers have. If you don’t know what that might be, then write about a problem you had and how you solved it.
  19. What do you do “outside of the office”? Do you kayak? Crochet? Train dogs? Volunteer at a shelter? Let us know what you do when you’re not blogging.
  20. August is “Boomers Making A Difference” month. Are you a Boomer? Are you making a difference? Blog about it!
  21. It’s “National Read A Romance” month. You don’t have to read a romance, but write a review on your blog of the last book you have read.
  22. The first week of August is “International Assistance Dog” week. Research and write a blog post about these dogs and their handlers.
  23. The second week of the month is “Feeding Pets Of The Homeless” week. Organize a food drive and then feed any pets you see with homeless individuals. Work with a group that offers services to the homeless and offer food for their pets. Also, why not put together care packages with toiletries for the homeless.
  24. The last week is “National Safe at Home Week.” Blog about safety tips in the home for you and your pets.
  25. Bake treats for your pet and share the DIY along with photos of the process.
  26. What is your favorite movie that includes a pet? Blog about that.
  27. Share a memory of the day you adopted your pet.
  28. Blog about a pet you’ve always wanted to own, but never had. Tell us about it and why you don’t own it.
  29. Share your best business-building tips.
  30. Write about your “worst day ever” with your blogging business.
  31. Use these terms in a post: blogging, expert, (pick a pet), fountain pen.


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