
10 Creative Blog Prompts for December

Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

At least… it’s starting to get frightful in some places!

As the cold sets in, it’s a good time to come inside, warm up, and make progress on your blog. Settle in front of a crackling fire with your laptop and a cup of hot coffee or tea–bonus points for a pile of pets sharing a blanket with you–and consider these fresh content ideas.

10 Creative Blog Prompts for December - BlogPaws.com

10 Creative Blog Prompts for December

  1. Seasonal safety: winter (salt on the roads) or holiday-specific (watch the turkey).
  2. A pet-themed holiday DIY with instructions and Pinterest-worthy pics.
  3. My New Year’s resolutions are _______. (Bonus: Make them pet-parent specific! Like, “I resolve to spend 15 minutes every morning playing with Newt and her teaser toys,” or “I resolve to jog Cooper the mile loop around the neighborhood three times a week.”)
  4. If my pet made resolutions, they would be _______.
  5. An ugly sweater photoshoot: This could tie into the pet-themed DIY or be its own post!
  6. Share ways to support your favorite shelter or rescue through the holiday season. Are there wish lists you can post on your site on behalf of your local shelter? Or maybe a roundup of shelter animals who want a home for the holidays?
  7. An open letter to Santa from your pet. (Huge humor opportunities here!)
  8. Pet-friendly party etiquette for the holidays and beyond.
  9. XX pet-friendly holiday traditions to start this year!
  10. A 2016 roundup: You can be humorous (list all the ways your pet has been naughty and nice in 2016) or you can measure milestones on your site (hit 1,000 YouTube subscribers). Tie a bow around 2016 and get ready to toast 2017!

This is also the perfect time to dive into planning for 2017. ICYMI: Here’s a resource that lists every pet-related holiday and theme for 2017 to spark some inspiration.

10 Creative Blog Prompts for December - BlogPaws.com (1)

What topics do you plan to cover this month? Can you help expand this list? 

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com

Images: iko/Shutterstock.com and Glovatskiy/Shutterstock.com

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