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Boost Your Blog 10K with Photography

Two paws up to everyone who participated in the January Influencer Challenge. It was a huge success! We are continuing the “Boost Your Blog 10K” challenge with a different focus each month. Last month we looked auditing and re-purposing your old content to increase page views. This month we’re challenging you to improve your photography, which will in turn increase your page views!

Blog Photography Challenge in the BlogPaws Community
Our goal with the challenges is to help everyone grow their blog with actionable steps that can be implemented right away. We heard from many of our members that the challenge actually helped increase their page views! That makes our hearts happy!

“The 8 posts that I have already updated and interlinked are already seeing increased traffic so I’m happy I participated in this challenge!”
~Cathy Bendzunas from ILoveMyChi.com

“So on Saturday 1/17 the post I chose for this challenge had 524 views. I checked again today, 1/20 and it went up by 50 views!”
~Catherine Armato from Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

What We Learned

Yes, even the BlogPaws team learned a lot during this challenge! The intention behind the January theme was not to teach the techy piece of Analytics, but we heard from our community that you would like more training and support in this area. We listened and we are delivering! In the next few weeks there will be a live webinar scheduled with the BlogPaws SLC and a Google Analytics expert! Stay tuned because you don’t want to miss that!

Our Gift To You

In the meantime, we have a free gift for you! It’s a downloadable workbook from the January challenge.  The Boost Your Blog 10K workbook includes all of the challenges with space to take notes. This is a great refresher for anyone that participated in the challenge and for those just now getting started. You can download the Boost Your Blog 10K Workbook here by entering your name and email address.

Boost Your Blog 10K Free Workbook


February Influencer Challenge – Boost Your Blog 10K with Photography

For February we are continuing the Boost Your Blog 10K challenge in the community but with a focus on blog photography.

Each week in February we’ll be providing challenges on tips and techniques to improve your blog photography. The first photography challenge just kicked off, and we invite you to head over and check it out. We’re talking about your blog photography toolkit and what you need to make an impact as an influencer.

Goal of the Boost Your Blog 10K Challenge

Our goal is to help everyone in the BlogPaws Influencer Network grow their page views to 10,000 views per month by the time of the conference in June 2016. If you’re already getting 10,000+ page views/month, congrats! You can strive to add another 10,000!

Get Social

We want to get social with you! Invite your friends to join the Boost Your Blog 10K challenge, share tips, and ask questions on social using the hashtag #BoostYourBlog10K and add our badge to your blog!

Boost Your Blog 10K Challenge








<a href=”http://community.blogpaws.com/group/blogpaws-pet-blogger-influencer-group/forum/topics/february-influencer-challenge-boost-your-blog-10k-with-photograph” target=”_blank”><img title=”I’m particpating in the BlogPaws Boost Your Blog 10K Challenge!” alt=”BlogPaws Boost Your Blog 10K Challenge” src=”https://blogpaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Boost-Your-Blog-10K-Challenge.png” border=”0″ /></a>

Image: www.BillionPhotos.com/Shutterstock.com

Aimee Beltran is the Director of Community Education for BlogPaws. She also writes two blogs, Irresistible Icing and Irresistible Pets with her Chihuahua, Chuy. Aimee is passionate about her mission, “create an irresistible life you can’t resist!” She loves anything with glitter, kayaking, and spending time at the beach.

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