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Cat Writer to Receive Award at BlogPaws Conference


BlogPaws is excited to shine the spotlight on one very important cat writer in Nashville this May. Americans gave gone to the cats, with the American Pet Products Association reporting that 96 million cats live in U.S. homes, while dogs check in at about 84 million.

The Internet is one giant virtual cat park, and felines matter, according to Steve Dale, certified cat behavioral consultant and writer of the most well read syndicated pet column in America. For the second year in a row, the Winn Feline Foundation will present its Media Appreciation Award at the BlogPaws Annual Conference during opening ceremonies. The Winn-Feline Foundation enhances the relationship between cats and humans by fostering improvements in feline health through research and education.


In 2014, the late Dr. Lorie Huston received the award, created to thank journalists who support and promote awareness of feline health.

Dr Lorie

“I was honored to present that award that the most prestigious event that brings those who write blogs about pets together in one place,” said Dale. “What’s more is that Dr. Huston was a friend, and we managed to surprise her for her many contributions to share accurate information about cat health.”

Cats’ inherent vulnerabilities help catapult the species to Internet fame via memes and video festivals. BlogPaws is one step ahead of the latest trends and celebrates the human-animal bond as one of the first companies to begin promoting pet health and welfare via social media, and the first to start a conference for pet bloggers.

“The Winn Feline Foundation provides important content for cat parents everywhere. It’s especially valuable to cat bloggers as they work to educate and inform readers on the health and wellbeing of one of America’s favorite pets, the cat,” said BlogPaws’ co-founder, Yvonne DiVita. “BlogPaws is proud to be able to participate in handing out the prestigious Winn Feline Media Appreciation Award again this year.”

The seventh pet-friendly BlogPaws Annual Conference takes place May 28 through May 30th in Nashville, Tennessee at the Sheraton Nashville Music City.

BlogPaws 2015 - May 28-30 - Nashville - REGISTER NOW!

Image above: Steve Dale presents Dr. Lorie Huston with the Winn Feline Foundation Media Appreciation Award, 2014.

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