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BlogPaws News Bite: Conference Attendee Rescues A Shelter

When we say that we love our pet bloggers and those who attend our BlogPaws Conferences, these are the type of stories and acts of Susan-Nancy-SRAS-sign-logo-600x400compassion that prove our point.

Susan Willett of Life With Dogs and Cats, while at the BlogPaws 2014 Conference in Las Vegas spent time in the Merrick Pet Care booth, made a video sharing why her dog is the Best Dog Ever. Her video was chosen as the winning video and she was awarded a one year supply of dog food — which would have come in handy since she has a houseful! Instead, she donated her winnings to a local shelter, the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter.

You can read her blog post here.

BlogPaws’ Team Note: Susan you have warmed our hearts!

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