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What Do You Do at BlogPaws Conference?


by: Carol Bryant

One of the most frequently asked questions for folks who have yet to attend a BlogPaws Conference is, “what do you do at a BlogPaws Conference?”

We also hear from BlogPaws Conference veterans who ask, “Will the conference be the same?”

For starters, we love when our attendees tells us what they do at a BlogPaws Conference and inform others of what they can expect. After all, we can tell you until we wag so feverishly, our tails nearly fall off. I was interviewed by “Confessions of a Rescue Mom” all about BlogPaws, and here’s the scoop. Head on over and give this blog a read:

Confessions of a Rescue Mom Dishes BlogPaws

BlogPaws Ambassador, Caren Gittleman, shares her take on all things BlogPaws and gives a discount for people ready to purchase their conference ticket. Give this a look:

Dakota’s Den Shares the BlogPaws Experience

Belle’s Blog Gives the Down Low on Their Experience:

What Happens at BlogPaws Conferences

Visuals tell a story, so here’s what the conference in May is all about in a nutshell:



We’re busy tabulating all Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging nominations and they are being forwarded to the judges. What’s a “nose to nose” award? We’re glad you asked because this happens at the conference, too!

And if that hasn’t convinced you, what about if the one and only AFP shows you their coverage of the conference in 2013. Indeed, media comes to the event, and you can mingle and hob knob amidst your educational sessions, networking, and going face to face with brands to form relationships:

Ready to register? Just click the photo below. See you in Henderson, Nevada, just 10 minutes from the Vegas Strip, May 8-10, 2014:


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