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BlogPaws and Cat Writers’ Association Reveal 2016 Award Updates

BlogPaws revealed its 2016 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Award finalists this week. The awards unite all species of animals and those who write about and for them.

All Finalists receive a Blogger Full Conference Pass to the BlogPaws 2016 Conference, taking place at the beautiful Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa, June 23-25. They’ll also get Red Carpet treatment and recognition at the Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening, and of course the chance to be announced as the Winner in their categories!

The Winners will receive the coveted Nose-to-Nose trophy on stage during the live-streamed awards gala, honored status among their peers, media attention, as well as a package of other prizes.

Nose to Nose announcement

These are the only pet industry awards in which pet bloggers and micro-bloggers are judged on the expertise, performance, and creativity of the entry. Each category is judged by a distinguished panel of professionals, not by popular vote. The influence of pet bloggers is growing and the BlogPaws community is leading the way

View the complete list of BlogPaws 2016 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Award finalists here.

For those unfamiliar with what takes place at a BlogPaws Red Carpet ceremony to award these esteemed finalists, check this video out:

Cat Writers’ Association

This week, the Cat Writers’ Association announced nominees in 37 categories for their 2016 awards! This year, the CWA teamed up with the 2016 BlogPaws Conference for double the opportunity to network and bolster your journalistic skills.  The top score in each category will win the coveted Muse medallion.

Remember – check out all the details about the BlogPaws Conference and the associated CWA seminars, events and speakers.

Read all about the CWA entrants who scored 90 or higher (based on averaging from three judges in each category) to become finalists and earn Certificates of Excellence by clicking the CWA site here.

Con-cats to all the nominees!

Share in the glamour and see who wins at the BlogPaws 2016 Conference June 23-25 in Phoenix.

Cat Writers

What is a BlogPaws Conference?

BlogPaws is a 3-day conference jam-packed with educational sessions led by leading professionals, networking with influencers, a busy exhibit hall, exciting brand events, more influencers, and lots of pets. Pets remain at the heart of everything BlogPaws does. These pet friendly conferences invite all pets, everywhere in the event space. If you aren’t into pets or blogging or working with or for them, this conference is still for you. It’s a social media conference first and foremost.

Last year, the chatter on social at the 2015 conference reached 75.9 million people with 3.7 million engaged.

Get Started

Here are some FAQs to get you started

And a fun essential guide to attending BlogPaws article to check out

We’ll even toss in 10 percent off a full conference pass with code BP16-BP10off

See the agenda, speakers, and all BlogPaws can do for you here:  Scoop on BlogPaws

Hope to see you in June! (P.S. And if you already purchased your ticket, get excited because we have awesomeness in store!)

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