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Mistakes You Make on Google+ And How To Fix Them

Google-plusNot everyone is using Google+ but a fair amount of us are. I'm on it but visit it seldom. With its popularity growing, it's a resource each of us should consider in our quest to get noticed.

As I was visiting a few of my favorite websites and blogs today, I discovered a link on Penny Sansevieri's book marketing site that intrigued me – and it led me to the article on Google+ mistakes.

The article is written by Jason Boog on GalleyCat – The First Word on the Book Publishing Industry which is part of the Medabistro site which tons of writing opportunities.

Note- Penny shared this link on her twitter page because it contains great information for writers. This group could be considered a competitor of hers but she did not let them prevent her from sharing good content. Learn from that.

Here are two of the the mistakes Jason shares, with my solutions: I-can-has-belly-rub

1. Personal tagline too long.
Online, shorter is almost always better. You can start with a long description of who/what you are, but hone it down to a short, succinct sentence visible all at once.

5. Profile not visible in Google search.
If you do not make your profile visible to Google search, how will I find you? Google is a powerful tool – use it wisely.

And, from me… a big mistake I see happening on Google+ is a lack of any profile at all. Or, just your name. Folks need more than a name and a picture. They need a purpose. What's your purpose?

Hop over to the post and read the other three mistakes. Then, add your own. One key to keep in mind is that this applies to many other online opportunities. I wonder, have you checked your LinkedIn profile lately?

MediaBistro is a great resource in and of itself. Check this post on their Google+ directory with mention of a Twitter directory.

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