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Do You Have A Marketing Plan For Your Pet ‘Business’?

Guest post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Picture2Quick question: Do you consider your pet blog and your blogging a business? Do you want to? Are you stumped on how to take your blog from hobby to business? It could all be in the writing up of a marketing plan. 

Regardless of whether you think you're just "blogging for fun" chances are you have an underlying reason for having put the time and effort into starting a blog, right? Here are my five quick steps toward putting together a marketing plan for your pet blog.

Many pet lovers start blogs as a way to propel themselves toward pet writing expert or pet product reviewer to pet guest panelist at conferences, hopefully these marketing plan steps will help you hone your message:

  1. Determine your market. Know your competition. Understand your customer aka reader. Who/what is your market? Pet lovers, potential pet parents, etc. Search the internet for others writing in your chosen area. To understand your customer, think back to pet lovers you've met and remember what they talked about, what they're wishing they could find… that could be your niche. 
  2. Speaking of niches… choose one. Let people know that you are the Pet Book Lady, as an example of a niche, the Rottweiler Advocate, cats, birds or fish, or the pet product reviewer to the stars. You get the picture. 
  3. Develop your tagline, your elevator speech, your marketing message. Hone your blog down to a sentence or two. Work on a marketing message that quickly lets people know who you are, what you do and how you are different from others. 
  4. Set goals. If you want to become known (and found) among the pet community, set attainable goals for yourself and your blogging. Set up a schedule of when you will blog, put together an editorial calendar, stick to it. 
  5. Spread the word. Until your blog is known for its keywords and is easily searchable you will want to take advantage of social media to let the world know you've posted a new blog. Engage in conversations with your followers. Join pet-oriented communities

Do you have a marketing plan and is it working?  

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  1. This is such a concise and helpful list. It’s so easy to lose focus without a plan.
    The third tip is the toughest for me. I’m so wordy I find it tough to distill who I am and what I do into just a few words. Sounds like the next BlogPaws workshop I need to attend. 🙂

  2. This is a good blog message, I will keep the post in my mind. If you can add more video and pictures can be much better. Because they help much clear understanding. 🙂 thanks Cavalieri.

  3. Nice information provide in your blog. A formal, written marketing plan is essential, in that it provides an unambiguous reference point for activities throughout the planning period. Thanks.

  4. Very good post Nice information provide in your blog. A formal,written marketing plan is essential,in that it provides an unambiguous reference point for activities throughout the planning period,thanks for.

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