Blog Hop Wednesday: How Christine’s Dogs Help Her Appreciate Life

My Three Hounds Help Me Appreciate Life More

By Christine Caplan

I can confidently say that my three dogs, Bruiser, Walter, and Shermie, have given me an appreciation on life that I didn’t have before. Thanks to them, I constantly stop to “smell the roses” every day.

Bruiser was the first pet I’ve had that’s a doxie breed, and he will always be remembered for that by my entire family.

Walter, his six-year-old brother, is also a doxie. Once you live with this breed, you never go back. They are hilarious, loyal and loud. I’m not kidding, these pups always need to be heard! I could even argue that they may have a special chair and won’t have it any other way. Or, perhaps, that’s just Bruiser.

And then there is Shermie! One thing is sure, there isn’t a sweeter dog. Shermie has taught me the important lesson of patience from the day we rescued him.

What inspires me to create quality blog content? 

I’m sure all bloggers can relate when I say that my blog content could fill an encyclopedia. But the emphasis is on quality. My goal is to write authentic stories that are relatable to my audience rather than a lot of content that’s just about my obsession with my dogs.

Credit: Sit! Stay Pet Photography

For example, there is no cure for heart disease, and I’ve learned a lot since Bruiser got diagnosed. Sharing what I’ve learned with others experiencing the same thing with their dogs is not only something I’m passionate about, but it also makes my world feel less insane. It’s comforting to know it’s not just me, and others are going through the same medication and treatment routine. I can only hope that what I’ve learned can be passed onto others.

What experiences have helped shape my blog?

Living with multiple dogs over the past ten years provides a wealth of knowledge ranging from behavior to introducing a puppy into the household. But, the experience that truly has shaped my blog is my CVT training.

What about the journey has helped me grow my blog?

After living with dogs for over a decade, I can truly say that I feel like I’ve seen it all and been there, done that! My stories and posts are a reflection of all that I’ve learned. I also enjoy engaging with other animal lovers about their dogs. I feel the open dialogue really helps my blog grow organically.

Please head over to My Life With Dogs PDX to read Christine’s full article, “My Three Hounds Help Me Appreciate Life More.”

Christy’s blog My Life With Dogs PDX is a publishing platform brands partner with to reach key target audiences. Her expertise as a Certified Vet Technician allows her to write about health and wellness issues that take place in clinics every day. She contributes articles to the following publications: Animal Wellness, AAHA (Pets Matter blog), Frugal Portland, Spot Magazine, City Dog Magazine, Pet Sitting World Magazine and She was honored to be accepted into the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) in 2016.  

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