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5 Things You MUST Do Now That You’re Home From BlogPaws Conference

The 2017 BlogPaws Conference is in the rear-view mirror, but what you learned there and what you still need to do remains right in front of you. Take a few moments to read about the five things you must do now that you’re home from BlogPaws Conference 2017, then get to it!

I know how easy it is to come back from a conference and be frantically trying to “catch up” from having been away from your office, your blog, your family and your pets. I also know how easy it is to let good intentions slip away until you reach the point of feeling embarrassed to reach out to a contact you met simply because so much time has passed.

5 Things You MUST Do Now That You’re Home From BlogPaws ConferenceFive Things You MUST Do Now That You're Home From BlogPaws Conference

Reach out while the memory is still fresh. If you connected with someone at the conference and said, “I’ll send you an email or call you when I get home,” do it! Don’t wait for someone else to reach out to you. Be proactive and strike while the iron is hot.

Put into practice what you learned. Look at your notes from the sessions you attended and pick one or two items you learned and start using them right now — today! I was in the Pathfinders program that BlogPaws kicked off this year. I gained so much insight from my fellow Pathfinders as well as the experts that were brought in: Kathleen Gage, Mike Linville, Jamie Lieberman, Aimee Beltran and Chloe Divita. My notebook is FULL with so many new ideas. I know I can’t put them all into place immediately, but I can certainly implement several immediately.

Provide constructive feedback. If a conference organizer sends you a survey, complete it. There is no way a conference organizer can make the conference bigger and better the following year if you don’t answer their questions. If you have a complaint, voice it to the organizer (in a respectful way) rather than airing dirty laundry on social media. Be professional–you never know whether a conference organizer can help advance your blogging career.build on conference momentum

Share your knowledge. If you’re a blogger, share what you learned at the conference with your readers. Give them a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at a BlogPaws conference. Great Danes in tutus, anyone? Therapy rat in a basket on a red carpet? These are things you don’t see every day! Did one of the keynotes, Kathleen Gage or Jay Baer, inspire you and ignite a spark? Blog about that!

Build relationships and foster friendships. If you met someone with whom you truly connected (not in a business sense, perhaps) connect on social media. Get to know that person. Build that friendship. You may not see them until next year’s BlogPaws Conference, but don’t let that stop you from getting to know that person. I have met and built friendships with many people I’ve met at conferences. We’ve gone from “conference acquaintances” to true friends (the sending cards at holidays and calling when something good or bad happens kind of friends). The BlogPaws community is just that–a community–so make friends and continue to grow them!

What will you do TODAY to move yourself and your blogging forward based on what you learned at the BlogPaws Conference? I’d love to know!

Robbi Hess is an award-winning author, full-time writer, newspaper columnist, writing coach and time-management guru. She works with bloggers and solopreneurs and blogs at All Words Matter. I spoke at the BlogPaws conference on the topic of: Overworked & Overwhelmed? The Four-Step Process for Reinventing Your Writing,”  if you couldn’t attend, email me for free a copy of the e-book I offered. (Robbi AT AllWordsMatter DOT COM)

(Photos from 2017 BlogPaws Conference — great memories, great insight!)

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