10 March Blog Post Ideas

As we close out Q1, now’s a good time to look back on the goals you set for yourself and your blog at the start of the year. Are your goals still rocking you? Are you making progress? If not, where do you need to re-calibrate?

Are you posting consistently? At this point in the year, it’s common to feel stuck or short on ideas after the flurry of New Year’s and goal-setting content. If you’re looking for new, creative content ideas to keep your editorial rolling, here are 10 fresh March blog post ideas to get those juices flowing!

10 March Blog Post Ideas | BlogPaws.com

  1. Spring bucket list: What do you and your pets plan to do together in the new season?
  2. DIY or how-to pet-friendly gardening post: Maybe you want to cover how to grow organic cat nip or container veggies safe for your dog’s dinner. While the planting season is still weeks off, now is the time to create (and pin!) this content.
  3. March 11 Daylight Savings Begins: Tips on how to help your pets adjust are always in-demand. And, of course, there’s a hashtag #DaylightSavings.
  4. Easter: According to Tailwind, it’s time to start posting and pinning Easter content to get the most traction.
  5. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day: Think of creative roundups, holiday themed DIYs, or even a fun, festive photoshoot to capture the spirit, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #StPatricksDay in your content promotion.
  6. Tackle your spring cleaning routine: How do you keep it pet-safe? What do you do with your overflow pet supplies? Share tips, tricks, and–if you dare–glimpses into your closets to make it feel real.
  7. Going to Global Pet Expo? A trend-spotting post always makes a splash. (Tip: This year seems to be all about the tech. Find the newest digital innovations to showcase with your readers… and don’t forget to maximize your affiliate relationships!)
  8. My biggest regret as a pet parent: Readers love authentic, genuine stories. Sometimes we get in the habit of putting a little too much polish on our stories about pet care. Have you made any mistakes? Have you any regrets? An honest story that compels your readers to engage will help them connect with you on a more personal level, too.
  9. A look back: Consider a retrospective on Q1 toward the end of the month. While we wish our readers devour every post, the truth is, sometimes readers miss some great work. Posting a look back at the end of the quarter gives you a chance to highlight some of your best Jan/Feb/Mar work!
  10. The cost of vet care: One of the hottest SEO topics, a post on how to save for, afford, invest in, etc. veterinary care. Perhaps for your audience, it’s a look at pet insurance, or maybe it’s breaking down the cost of a specific condition, treatment, or disease. This is evergreen content that plays well for search engines.

For even more ideas, check out the complete list of 2018 pet-related holidays, themes, and observances!

Your turn!

What’s coming up on your editorial calendar? Any ideas you can add to this list? Or, if you plan to blog about these topics, please drop the links in the comments below so we can share a little link love!

Image: ArthurStock/Shutterstock.com

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