
10 Creative Blog Prompts (Don’t worry. “New Year, New You” isn’t one!)

The first week of 2017 is in the bag! Fifty one to go!

It seems like weeks two and three of any new year start to lag. Those “new year, new you” posts lose their luster, and you might be feeling down if you already missed a day of exercise or #POTD or whatever goal you set for yourself.

But don’t fret!

There are still 51 more weeks to grow your blog, to partner with amazing brands, and to achieve your goals.

And all that starts with creating great content.

10 Creative Blog Prompts (Don't worry. -New Year, New You- isn't one!) - BlogPaws.com

So, in case you’re feeling stuck for ideas after all those goals and resolutions posts, here are 10 creative blog starters to keep your January rolling:

1. 2016 Wins! Everyone’s busy setting goals and looking forward, but take the time to write a post that celebrates all that you’ve achieved.

2. Un-resolutions: What are those things you resolve NOT to do?

3. Describe what this time of year is like where you live and what your pets think of the season.

4. 10 Qs with a rescue star: Interview a shelter director or volunteer coordinator in your town to find out how holiday adoption drives fared and what they need heading into a new year.

5. How to _____. What is something you know that your readers would love to learn? Share a tutorial!

10 Creative Blog Prompts for January 2017 | BlogPaws.com

6. The Ultimate Guide to _____. Compile five to 10 posts you’ve written on a single topic and blurb them (with a fresh pinnable) in a single post. Add in a few fresh tips to round out your awesome resource.

7. DYK? Share fun facts about you. Readers love learning more about the person behind the pets, then you can encourage them to share some fun DYKs about themselves in the comments. Great way to build community!

8. Describe your pet’s perfect day, beginning to end, in detail. (For Emmett and Newt, it would be eating. Just eating. All day long.)

9. Ask for advice. As bloggers, we’re subject experts called upon to share advice regularly, though the truth is, none of us are experts in everything. Ask your audience for advice about something that vexes you with your pet. I bet you’ll see huge engagement in your comments! People love to share advice!

10. The day I ____ was the day I ____. (For example, the day I discovered Newt loved squeeze cheese was the day I taught her “high five.” Or, the day I watched every YouTube video about doggy dancing was the day I decided to train Coop to dance.)

What ideas do you have for the first quarter of 2017? Have you tackled any of these topics? Share them in the comments so we can visit and support each other!

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com.

Images: Vasin Lee/Shutterstock.com and g-stockstudio/Shutterstock.com

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