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Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: Valentine Day Blogging Prompts

‘Tis the teason of love and flowers, romance and cupid: So for this blog hop, we are rolling out the red carpet with Valentine Day Blogging Prompts. As pet influencers and bloggers in the pet and lifestyle space, Valentine Day is a perfect opportunity to educate your readers based on your blog’s niche.

Valentines Day blog prompts

Regardless of what your blog is about, there are common themes that you can tap into and make this Cupid pull her bow and toss an arrow your way in the form of blog traffic. Here, then, are 14 Valentine Day blogging prompts just in time for Wordless Wednesday:

14. DIY toys to give to shelter pets in need at Valentine’s Day

13. Paw it forward to a pet in need and blog about 14 shelter pets in your area or on an adoption website who need homes.

12. Fun and loving ideas for single people with pets.

11. The “I Hate Valentine’s Day and Here’s What My XXX (pet) Are Doing Instead” — the headline itself is catchy and worthy of re-tweets. Add some fab images for shareable visual nuggets.

10. How to Include a Pet in Your Valentine’s Plans

9. What to Do When Your Pet Doesn’t Like Your Significant Other

8. How a Pet Can Help Break the Ice When Meeting Someone New

7. Valentine Gift Ideas for the Dog/Cat/Fish/Bunny, etc.

6. Valentine Safety Tips for Pets

5. Romantic Places to Visit That Are Pet Friendly

4. Music to Make Your Pet Happy: Show the Love Through Sound

3. Extreme Gifting for Pets: Showcase some links and create a pinnable around it of gifts that are above and beyond

2. Pets Who Are In Love: Maybe you have one or know one or more: Write about them: And do show pictures to top it off!

1. My Valentine is My Pet and Here is Why

If you use any of these ideas, BlogPaws will re-tweet your links on Valentine’s Day, so paste them in the comments below. Sound fun?

In the spirit of giving and kindness, let’s get this blop hop started.

BlogPaws Blog Hop

BlogPaws offers year-round interaction, activity, community and more to learn, earn, and connect. Plus we have the weekly tradition of the Wordless Wednesday BlogPaws Blog Hop! Visit and leave comments on other blogs to make some new buddies and maybe some new followers. You can add the BlogPaws Blog Hop button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, either by cutting and pasting the image or using the HTML code below. Need help? Here it is:

How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial Video: Step by step help to get you started:


You can add the BlogPaws Blog Hop button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, by cutting and pasting the image below. Need more help? Here it is: How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial BP_Wordless_wed_Hop_Logo_2014

Images: evakad17/Shutterstock.com and brandodamando/Shutterstock.com

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