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Secrets About BlogPaws and Pet Blogging

blogpaws dogs

Shhhh there are secrets about BlogPaws and pet blogging in general that are generally not talked about. I mean, pet blogging is all about people who are over-the-top about their pets, probably don’t have kids, and they are trying to get the general public to buy cat treats or goldfish food, right?

How many of the above statements have you heard at one point or another, especially if you ARE a blogger who blogs solely about pets or has a section dedicated to pets on a lifestyle blog? !

Bloggers in the know realize the mockery and sarcasm in such statements, but most of us take zero offense to the fact that we ARE, indeed, over the top about our pets. And what’s not to love about something so loving, selfless, and dedicated to your well being ?

Just as there are falsehoods rampant in the pet parenting world, there are little-known facts and perhaps a falsehood or two about BlogPaws and pet blogging in general. See how many of these facts you did (or didn’t) know:

(1) BlogPaws is comprised of a huge team of people who work tirelessly day and night to deliver amazing content, programs, a conference, community, social media, and more.

FALSE: BlogPaws does indeed deliver all of the above, but the core BlogPaws team includes Chloe DiVita, Yvonne DiVita, Tom Collins, Carol Bryant, Felissa Elfenbein, and Robbi Hess. Learn more about team BlogPaws here.


(2) BlogPaws chooses the bloggers for the paid programs and opportunities sent out to members of the pet blogger opportunity network.

FALSE: Brands make the decision as to who will be included in a paid campaign.  When brands make their decision they are all looking for the right fit. The right fit could mean any number of things from looking for a certain voice from your blog to your own age! It could mean they were looking for someone that not only talks about pets but certain a combination of other things. Sometimes it is all about the reach of the campaign. Sometimes it is the story that the Blogger can tell and sometimes it is all about the images they share. Other times it is all about the look of your blog once all other factors are taken into account. Sometimes the deciding factor has to do with what other brands you have mentioned or if you have worked with that brand in the past.

money hands

(3) The BlogPaws Conference is pet-friendly and is incredibly value priced so that bloggers and prospective bloggers can attend.

TRUE! Consider this:

What would you pay for the following???

* Dozens of first-rate social media educational seminars delivered by experts in their respective fields

* Meeting pets and their owners in person

* Entertainment and red carpet celebration you can do with your pet

* A bag of goodies galore filled with pet products (dog or cat)

* Meeting many of your Facebook, Twitter, and blog associates and friends in the pet world

* Access first hand to pet product sponsors and brands

* A weekend of pet-friendly fun and networking

* Breakfast, lunch, and snacks from a finely selected menu – most meals covered.

* Ideas to launch, continue, or escalate a business involving animals whether for or non-profit, on a blog or a microblog (like Twitter or Facebook)

* Partake in a blogging awards ceremony

* Spread the word about your cause, business, rescue, or group to key players and community

* Prizes galore

* Memories, video and images, friendships, contacts, business cards exchanged, laughs, too!

* All in one place, a grand hotel in a beautiful location

Before you answer, consider this is for nearly three full days.

Having taken many seminars and sessions in my life, I can honestly say they cost wayyyy more than the price for ONE session not including all the extras mentioned. If you’ve ever planned a wedding, BlogPaws event planning is the equivalent of being a wedding planner times ohhhhh, 1,000. It is work, a labor of love, but oh-so-worth-it when everyone comes together in the name of animals, being the change, learning and growing, and paying it forward. Oh, and you can walk away knowing what to do to take your career or hobby to the next level.

press conference

(4) BlogPaws is simply a huge conference that takes place once a year, people laugh and have fun, pets run around, and then they go home until the following year…when they do it all over again.

FALSE! Yes, we have fun at our yearly conferences but BlogPaws is SO much more than that. BlogPaws works year-round to connect bloggers and micro-bloggers to the brands they buy every day. The BlogPaws community site welcomes pet bloggers, pet enthusiasts, pet people on Twitter and Facebook and brands eager to tap into a vibrant, vocal community of serious writers, bloggers, and micro-bloggers.

BlogPaws 2015 - May 28-30 - Nashville - REGISTER NOW!

Here are some things you can do to get started in the BlogPaws Community.

 Engage with the BlogPaws Community

Here are three tutorials lead by our PR and Marketing Manager, Carol Bryant, for a combined total of 15 minutes, to teach you the lay of the land and how to get around (easy peasy, by the way):

BlogPaws Community Training Video #1: Getting Started in the BlogPaws Community

BlogPaws Community Training Video #2: Discussion groups, Forums, Networking and Connections, Photos and Videos.

BlogPaws Community Training Video #3: Chat Feature, Pet Blogger Network, & Community Events

Sign Up for the BlogPaws E-Newsletter

Stay current on pet topics, news, health information, be the change for pets, and more by getting this e-newsletter delivered to your inbox. We never sell or give away emails. Sign up on the BlogPaws homepage.

Follow the BlogPaws Blog

Got a favorite blog reader? BlogLovin, perhaps? Put BlogPaws.com in one of the must-visit blogs you ready daily.

Come to the BlogPaws Yearly Conference

Bloggers and micro-bloggers are encouraged to attend the BlogPaws pet-friendly 3-day life changing conference: Register for BlogPaws 2015 here.

Follow us on Social Media (all links are clickable)

BlogPaws on Facebook

BlogPaws on Twitter

BlogPaws on Pinterest

BlogPaws on YouTube

BlogPaws on Instagram

Come to Twitter Chats

We have three-times-a-month Tuesday night Twitter chats from 8 to 10 pm EST, so we encourage you to connect there and grow your own following. Follow hashtag #BlogPawsChat.


 (5) It’s too late to get sponsored to come to the BlogPaws Conference.

FALSE! Read this “how to get sponsored to attend the BlogPaws Conference” blog post penned by our co-founder, Yvonne DiVita

(6) Blogging is so hard; I would not know where to stop nor start. It seems so competitive and no one will give a “dang” what I have to say.

FALSE AND TRUE: It is competitive. It can be difficult. It isn’t impossible. If you want something, you don’t wish for it: You work for it. Read “Why I Should Give a Damn About Your Blog Post” for a fresh perspective.

(7) Once the conference is over, there isn’t much else to do except have someone guide me along in the blogging process.

FALSE: You need to take that first step, or at least the first 25 steps, but you won’t be alone. BlogPaws is here to help you. Read this blog post and prepare now for what you will do post conference.

(8) Pet blogging is just a fad.

FALSE! Pet blogging is finally coming into it’s own and the sky’s the limit. BlogPaws expects to double its expected payout in programs to participating bloggers this year.

So the next time someone tells you that pet blogging is going nowhere or that BlogPaws isn’t busy  — lead them here. We’ve got your backs 😉

About the Author: Carol Bryant is the BlogPaws PR and Marketing Manager and manages her own dog blog, FidoseofReality.com.

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