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The List of Lists Blog Hop

This week’s blog hop is a very popular topic: Lists!!! Lists are one of the best ways to drum up blog traffic IF they are done right.

How to do a blog post of lists

List posts work because the headline pulls you in and grabs your attention. You must learn more about that topic and the headline beckons to you. For example:

  • 10 Ways to Get Your Dog To Drink More Water
  • 7 Ways to Keep Your Cat Healthy
  • 99 Ways to Become a Pet Blogger

Numbers have appeal and your readers will come back for me if you deliver on the attention-grabbing headline. Tell me something, solve a problem, and make the click worth it!

Here are some list ideas for future blog posts to keep your readers happy and your blog growing in 2018 and beyond:

Can You Recognize the 8 Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Dogs?

This type of headline gets your readers involved with “what to watch for” and demonstrates your expertise.

How to Get Your Cat to Love the Vet: Six Easy Steps

The attention grabbing How to is followed with a number of steps: It’s a win win. Be concrete and deliver on your exciting double promise!

Free Download Reveals 20 Secrets to Make Money Blogging

Give your readers a post on making money blogging and then provide a free download with exclusive bonus material if they provide their email. Score!

50 Ways to Beat the High Cost of Vet Bills

You must deliver on this with actionable tips. The 50 number sounds fantastic with a topic that anyone with a pet understands and relates to; communicate to your readers with actionable tips.

Five Types of Pet Parents: Which Style Describes You?

I want to know immediately after reading this. Give your reader categories and let them decide where they fall into them.  In writing “you,” the reader is addressed and the post feels individualized to them.

12 Dog Vocalizations and What They Mean

You immediately establish authority with a stand out title and you also promise to share what those vocalizations mean.

The Curated List Post

This one mines data that already exists and then you put it all together into one lovely blog post. Be certain the information you curate is accurate and know that people love when you give them credit and a backlink in a blog post. They might even share it!

Don’t Forget

Get the Latest in Social Media, Pet Blogging and Pet Influencer Education at the BlogPaws 2018 Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.  If you want the early bird rate before a sell out, claim your BlogPaws 2018 Conference tickets here.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

BlogPaws offers year-round interaction, activity, community and more to learn, earn, and connect. Visit and leave comments on other blogs to make some new buddies and maybe some new followers. You can add the button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, either by cutting and pasting the image or using the HTML code below. Need help? Here it is:

How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial Video: Step by step help to get you started:

Image:   Natalia Rezanovas/ Shutterstock

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