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We Heart our PALs

A-little-privacy-please-and-thankyouLast week I shared a little video from PAL (Pets Add Life) and promised more. Here are two more – they will make you smile, maybe even laugh out loud.

The message is far more than one of humor, however. The message is aimed right at your heart – remember to encourage friends, family and even aquaintances that they should consider adoption when thinking of adding a new pet to the family.

When we moved to Colorado from NY (me and Tom and The Grumpy Old Lady), we knew we were going to adopt from a shelter, even that we were going to look for an 'adult' dog, not a puppy. Over time (we gave ourselves a year to get settled), we decided we needed two dogs. We knew we might be traveling a bit, for BlogPaws, and we did some research into the benefits of having two dogs – where they might keep each other company while we were away.

That's the short story of how Emily and Chester came to live with us. Shortly after we had adopted them (we call them an old married couple- they bonded at the shelter that rescued them, before coming to us), our friend Kyla (Up for Pups) brought Olive into our lives. Little Olive acted like we were her new home from the moment she arrived, so it seemed to us. How could we not embrace her into the family?

And that's how it works, sometimes. The pets take our your lives (our lives) with a smile, a sloppy kiss, a cuddle, and that trusting look in their eyes. You know it – the one that says, "I'll give you unconditional love forever. All you have to do is hug me once in awhile, walk me a bit, and throw some treats my way." And then… they do.

I hope you'll hop over the the PAL Facebook page and follow them on twitter (@petsaddlife)… and share this message. Enjoy the videos.



This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership. 


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