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Update: Pinterest respects copyright

Fuzzy-chesterby Yvonne DiVita

Just saw this on Facebook, "New code lets websites opt-out of Pinterest."

According to LLsocial.com, Ben Silberman, CEO of the darling of the net, Pinterest, is taking our worries seriously. According to Josh Davis, "pinterest now allows website to opt-out."

How? Glad you asked. Here's the news direct from LLsocial in response to those who don't want their content 'pinned':

We have a small piece of code you can add to the head of any page on your site:

<meta name=”pinterest” content=”nopin” />

When a user tries to pin from your site, they will see this message:

“This site doesn’t allow pinning to Pinterest. Please contact the owner with any questions. Thanks for visiting!”

They are also testing a 500 character limit to captions. I did notice that recently and wondered what it was about. I don't have a problem with it – unless I can't describe the pic and give authentication in 500 characters. Doesn't seem likely – 500 characters is quite a bit. But, we'll see.

Be sure to read Josh's whole post and don't forget to read the comments. Comments often have extra added content or advice, and they're just worth a read, regardless.

Any thoughts at your end on this new development? Hey, Dorian Wagner, what do you think now? 

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One Comment

  1. I think it’s a good move to add the coding although that puts the onus on the site owner to be aware of and dig up that information in order to keep their content safe.
    Since anyone who repins can change the description, I wonder if it might help to make the original pinner’s description permanent so it follows when the picture is repinned. They can add a second description box for those that repin.

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